Sunday, 30 August 2015

La dolce vita

Roma...the holiday begins!

A safe trip, early morning arrival and the driver is waiting for us...'Horsfall - Hotel San Anselmo'...baggage loaded and we're on our way.  There's a dream-like feel to having entered the airport in Melbourne and exited in another country.

The hotel is in the Aventine area, perched at the top of a hill of steep, narrow streets.  The buildings are red, orange, yellow, with shuttered windows to keep out the summer heat...35 degrees today!

The first day is always a little crazy...unpack, shower, explore a little to get a sense of where we are.  We only have 4 days - and they say that a lifetime is not long enough for Rome - so we'll make some choices and not worry about what we don't see.

For now, it's nearly 9pm and I don't think we're going to last much longer...buona notte!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roma ... following the blog begins!
Fi, Paul & Ruby