Friday 8 September 2023

Expositions at Pavillon de l'Arsenal

Visit today to Pavillon de l'Arsenal in the Bastille to view the exhibition Paris Animal and some exhibits from Paris Design Week.

The Pavillon is the centre and museum for Paris architecture and urban planning. It's a great space for an exhibition, open and industrial, with two upper levels built around a central space looking to the ground.

Paris Animal documents the cohabitation of animals and humans in Paris from the middle ages to present day, and included some film from the interview series L'Abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze (which is going to be interesting, I can tell, to research). 

The Paris Design Week exhibits were Matières Vivantes, Wool Wall, Back to Dirt and Carreaux de Papier. On looking through the program/map of exhibits last night, there is a focus on sustainability and rethinking the materials used in design. The Wool Wall is just that, a model of an interior wall in a home constructed with wool for its natural insulation properties; Carreaux de Papier illustrates processes to compact paper to form tiles as an alternative to ceramic and concrete. Each of the exhibits documents the research and experimentation undertaken to achieve the workable designs.


Anonymous said...

What an interesting day you have had, and love the photos.

Anonymous said...

Great looking space and interestingly a similar focus to the NGV's Melbourne Now and the forthcoming Triennial on sustainability and the consideration of materials.
And the Wool Wall really raises the baaaaaaaaaaa on sustainable design.
Fi and Paul