Thursday 7 September 2023

Things are hotting up in Paris...for the rugby world cup!

It's the first game of the Coupe de monde de rugby tomorrow night (Friday) in Paris, at the Stade de France. There's much excitement...the first game is France vs New Zealand...and country flags are flying out the front of every bar in the Bastille (and let me tell you, there are many, many bars in the Bastille)! We are expecting to hear the street festivities drift in through the open apartment windows until well after midnight (especially if Les Bleues win!).

Today was organised around the heat again...a cool breeze in the morning made for a comfortable walk to the Saint Paul area in the Marais for le petit dej...croissant, tartine (a piece of fresh baguette with butter and jam), freshly squeezed juice and coffee. A quick visit to department store BHV, a wander via the forecourt of Hotel de Ville (town hall) and over to the Ile Saint-Louis. I watched a documentary recently about the clean water project in Paris, filtering out metals from old pipes and pollutants from debris to make clean water available for all throughout the city and reduce the sale of single use plastic bottles...and it was great to see one of the water points, with taps to refill bottles and drink from, installed outside the Hotel de Ville.

Apart from the rubgy world cup, it is Paris Design Week, with installations and exhibits at various locations around the city. I'm hoping we can work around the heat to see a few installations of interest...stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I hope the cool breeze hangs around long enough to allow you to view some of the Design installations. You might have to close the windows if the sports fans become too enthusiastic.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing pictures of Paris Design Week if something catches your eye, not so much any of the Rugby fans!
Any updates on Notre Dame? Can you get close or is it cordoned off?
Fi & Paul